Week 4

This week for the 52 Films by Women challenge, I had the immense pleasure of watching Never Sorry about Chinese artist/activist Ai Wei Wei directed by Alison Klayman. I have been interested in Ai Wei Wei but knew very little about him. The documentary details his work around 2009-2010. He talks about his meaningful works that were in direct contrast with government policy, his efforts to get justice for being hit by police, etc. It was a reminder that people must speak truth to power. There's an amazing story about how Ai Wei Wei's new studio is torn down by the government. He decided to hold a party for it, where people would come and eat crabs, a political act. He's detained but people show up anyway to celebrate. They don't have his celebrity but they do it anyway. 

This quotation really resonates with me right now: 

Journalist: Do you ever examine yourself to see why are you so fearless compared to other people?

Ai Wei Wei: I am so fearful. That’s not fearless. I’m more fearful than other people. I act more brave because I know the danger is really there. If you don’t act, the danger becomes stronger.

So check it out! It's available streaming on Netflix.